*International Nurse’s Day Competition 2023 is back!* Hosted by Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan STIKes Dharma Husada the event was held on last Friday July 28th and entitled *”Develop Skills in Nurses Actions with 3H Principle for Indonesian Nurse’s Excellent”.*
The competition is consisted of *Be One, Skill’s Competition, Anatomy & Art Competition, and Choir Competition.*
Opening ceremony of INDC 2023 was attended by *dr. Raden Vini Adiani Dewi as the head of Dinas Kesehatan Jawa Barat and Masdum Ibrahim, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kep on behalf of the head/chairman of DPD PPNI Kota Bandung.*
Total number of the participants was 254 which is came from 19 institutions in West Java Province:
1. STIKes Budi Luhur
2. Universitas Bhakti Kencana PSDKU tasikmalaya
3. STIKes Dharma Husada
4. DPK PPNI STIKes Dharma Husada
5. STIKes Sukabumi
6. Universitas Bhakti Kencana Bandung
7. STIKES RS Dustira
8. Universitas Aisyiyah Bandung
9. STIKes Kuningan
10. RSUD Sumedang
11. RS Advent Bandung
13. RS Muhammadiyah Bandung
14. STIKes Rajawali
15. RS Dustira
16. STIKes Karsa Husada
17. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
The glory of INDC 2023 was supported by PT. Pusat Pelatihan Madani, Medina beauty care, IM3, Sari roti, Mandiri Livin, Pos Indonesia, Zoya, Wardah Kosmetik, and @perawat.kompeten as the official media partner.
The committe will re invite the nurse’s all over Indonesia to join INDC 2025 soon. *Thanks for All Participants. *
Disampaikan : Humas STIKes Dharma Husada di Bandung, 21 Agustus 2023.
*International Nurse’s Day Competition 2023 is back!* Hosted by Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan STIKes Dharma Husada the event was held on last Friday July 28th and entitled *”Develop Skills in Nurses Actions with 3H Principle for Indonesian Nurse’s Excellent”.* The competition is consisted of *Be One, Skill’s Competition, Anatomy & Art Competition, and […]