Asean Economic Community (AEC) or Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) which will be enacted in December 2015 is a challenge and an opportunity for the countries that joined in the framework of the ASEAN regional cooperation to improve in order to compete in variety fields and become a leader in the region.
Nurse as one of the professions in the health sector could not avoid from the demands of professionalism in carrying out his work. The demands are becoming complicated when it comes to the environment or the international world of work as contained in the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community.
One of the way to answer the demands of the global professional health workers is to implement an international standard of qualification for health workers. The presence of the application of international qualification standard, then all users of services of health workers have the same guidelines to be implemented worldwide.
The seminar will further discus pertaining a global trend of health worker qualification. How the global development of international qualification standard applicable to the health workers? How the health workers and users should respond to the implementation of international-standard qualification? How is the actual readiness of health workers in the era of international standardization to their profession? Some of the questions are exactly will be the next discussion topics in the seminar.
Topics and Speakers
- “Health Worker Qualification for Global Healthcare” by Prof. Dr. Senol Dean, Turgut Ozal Universty, Turkey
- “Improving Quality of Health Worker through Education” by Dr. Hj. Suryani Soepardan, Dra., MM
- “Health Worker Qualification in West Java” by Dr. Hj. Alma Lucyati, M.Kes.,M.Si.,MH.Kes.
- “Health Worker Qualification in Indonesia” by Dr.Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani,MP
Day/Date : Friday/ October 30, 2015
Time : 07.00 – 15.00 am
Venue : Room Edelweis, Grha Pos Indonesia
Jl. Banda No.30 Citarum. Bandung, West Java-Indonesia
Asean Economic Community (AEC) or Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) which will be enacted in December 2015 is a challenge and an opportunity for the countries that joined in the framework of the ASEAN regional cooperation to improve in order to compete in variety fields and become a leader in the region. Nurse as one of […]